

Deep in the heart of Fairyland, past a myriad of peaks, valleys, and hovels, sits Brilliance Thicket. The fairies here are unlike their tooth-collecting and garden-dwelling neighbors, with whom we are already familiar.   Nor do the inhabitants of Brilliance Thicket spend their days eating sugar plums or dusting the world with pollen.  Rather, these fairies spend their time at schools, libraries, and tutoring halls.  They can be found in droves in areas with lots of pencils, school lunches, and hand sanitizer.  These fairies are as efficient as soldiers, and they have one goal: an academic fairy tale ending for as many learners as possible. Individually, they approach this goal in different ways. The Gap-Filler Fairy seeks to fill conceptual gaps that impair students from learning advanced concepts. The Foothold Fairy seeks to provide scaffolding support that will allow students to learn new concepts at their own rate.  The others all have their parts.  But they are all un